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    • 姓名:陈颖
    • 学历/学位:博士
    • 所属部门:大学物理教学部
    • 办公地址 :综合实验大楼
    • E-mail:yingchen@hqu.edu.cn
    • 个人主页网址链接:
    • 研究方向:



陈颖,女,1991年02月生,博士,讲师。2020年6月毕业于厦门大学,于同年7月加入华侨大学。自2014年起主要从事光学超构材料、光/声子晶体方面的前沿基础理论和现象研究。主要研究内容包括:光/声子晶体和波动系统中的拓扑效应、BIC束缚态研究、超构材料设计、等离激元以及二维材料等,取得一系列研究成果,在包括Phys. Rev. Lett. (1), Phys. Rev. B (3), New J. Phys., Appl. Phys. Lett., Opt. Express (2), Opt. Lett., Results in physics等国际期刊发表SCI论文30余篇(大分部为第一作者/通讯作者)。



2020/07-至今 华侨大学 讲师

2014/09-2020/06 厦门大学 硕士、博士(电磁场与微波技术,导师:陈焕阳)

2009/09-2013/06 苏州大学 本科



2024.4 成都PIERS国际会议组织分会场并报告

2022.4 杭州PIERS国际会议主持专题报告

2019.12 厦门PIERS国际会议做邀请报告

2019.10 第9届国际量子能源会议粘贴报告,获最佳海报奖

2019.7 天津“Topological photonics and beyond”会议粘贴报告

担任 Scientific Reports、Frontiers in Materials杂志审稿人

主讲课程: 电动力学》,《大学物理》



国家自然科学基金青年项目(12104169), 30万,在研(2022.01-2024.12)




[1] Y. Chen, S. Lei, Z-H Zheng, S. Zhu, F. Wu and H. Chen, Anisotropy-induced band transition and merging of bound states in the continuum in gratings, Results in Physics 61, 107767 (2024).

[2] Y. Chen, Z-H Zheng, H-X Wang, F. Wu and H. Chen, Realization of dual-band topological states in Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-like photonic crystal slabs, Results in Physics, 50, 106589 (2023).

[3] Y. Chen, J-H Chen, F Wu, H. Chen and Z. H. Zheng, Topological edge states on the acoustic Mobius band, Results in Physics, 46, 106322 (2023).

[4] Z. H. Zheng and Y. Chen, Defect-controlled topological edge states in the curved acoustic lattices, EPL, 141, 55002 (2023).

[5] Y. Chen, Y. Yin, Z. K. Lin, Z. H. Zheng, Y. Liu, J. Li, J. H. Jiang and H. Y. Chen, Observation of topological p-orbital disclination states in non-Euclidean acoustic metamaterials, Physical Review Letters, 129, 154301 (2022). (物理学顶刊,入选Editors’ Suggestion)

[6] Q. L. Duan, Y. Chen and H. Y. Chen, Multi-optical effects in two-dimensional photonic crystals of metallic pairs, EPL, 138, 55005 (2022).

[7] Y. Chen, H. X. Wang, Q. Bao, J. H. Jiang and H. Y. Chen, Ideal type-II Weyl points in twisted one-dimensional dielectric photonic crystals, Optics Express, 29, 40606 (2021).

[8] Z. Zheng#, Y. Chen#, H. Chen, J-H Chen, Ultra-compact reconfigurable device for mode conversion and dual-mode DPSK demodulation via inverse design, Optics Express, 29, 17718 (2021).

[9] Y. Chen, Z. K. Lin, H. Y. Chen and J. H. Jiang, Plasmonic quadrupole topological insulator, Physical Review B ,101, 041109(R) (2020).

[10] X. C. Lu#, Y. Chen#, and H. Y. Chen, Orbital corner states on breathing Kagome lattices, Physical Review B, 101, 195143 (2020).

[11] Y. Chen and H. Y. Chen, Photonic zero-energy modes in a metal-based Lieb lattice, New Journal of Physics, 21, 113046 (2019).

[12] Y. Chen, X. C. Lu, H. Y. Chen. Effect of truncation on photonic corner states in a Kagome lattice. Optics Letters, 44, 4251-4254 (2019).

[13] Y. Chen, L. Xu, G. X. Cai and H. Y. Chen, Chemical bonds and edge states in a metamolecular crystal, Physical Review B, 98, 125430 (2018).

[14] Y. Chen, H. Y. Chen and G. X. Cai, High transmission in a metal-based photonic crystal, Applied Physics Letters, 112, 013504 (2018).

[15] J. Yao, Y. Chen, L. F. Ye, N. Liu, G. X. Cai and Q. H. Liu, Multiple resonant excitation of surface plasmonic in a graphene stratified slab by Otto configuration and their independent tuning, Photonics Research, 5, 377 (2017).

[16] Y. Chen, J. Yao, Z. Y. Song, L. F. Ye, G. X. Cai, and Q. H. Liu, Independent tuning of double plasmonic waves in a free-standing graphene-spacer-grating-spacer-graphene hybrid slab, Optics Express, 24, 16961(2016).


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厦门校区地址:福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号 邮编:361021


       院办电话:0592-6162380    团委办公室电话:0592-6162377教学办公室电话:0592-6162378 师德师风监督电话:0592-6162380