姓 名 :葛悦禾 职 称 :教授
学历/学位:博士 所属部门 :信息学院
国 籍 :澳大利亚 邮箱地址 :yuehe@ieee.org
电 话:0592 6162397
美国应用计算电磁场学会(ACES)会员 。
2011.6-目前 华侨大学 厦门 教授
2011.6-2014 Macquarie University 悉尼,澳大利亚 荣誉研究员,兼职博导
2007-2011 Macquarie University 悉尼,澳大利亚 讲师,博导
2007 -2007 Queen Mary, Uni. Of London London, UK 访问学者
2002-2007 Macquarie University 悉尼,澳大利亚 ARC 研究员, 博导
1999-2002 Macquarie University 悉尼,澳大利亚 PhD,电子工程
通信工程,微波工程,电磁场天线微波技术,生物医学无线通信技术。包括电磁场数值解与应用(Method of Moments, FDTD, Genetic Algorithms);天线设计与开发,包括宽带、超宽带、多波段电小通讯天线,宽带、超宽带介质谐振天线,电大雷达天线阵和自适应天线,电磁涡旋天线,可重构阵列天线,5G通信系统毫米波基站天线;微波无源器件设计,基于新型超材料(metamaterials)、超表面(metasurfaces)的研究与应用。
7.Macquarie University Honour Fellow.
8.Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 2007.
9.Who’s Who in the world, 2006.
10.Co-winner of 2004 Macquarie University Innovation Awards-Invention Disclosure Award.
11.2005 – 2007 Australia Postdoctoral Fellowship from Australian Research Council.
12.2005 – 2007 Macquarie University Research Fellowship.
13.Best student paper prize--Max Symons Memorial Prize from IEEE NSW Section, Australia, in 2002.
4.泉州市科技计划项目:宽带双极化天线阵的研究,2013.1 – 2014.12,项目负责人。
5.福建省自然科学基金:宽频带小尺寸介质谐振器天线的研究,2012.1 – 2013.12。
2012.1 – 2013.12,项目负责人。
8.Australian Research Council Discovery Project“High Performance Microwave and Millimetre Wave Antennae Based on Multi layer Periodic Structures”,2009.1 – 2011.12,主要完成人。
1.王灿,葛悦禾,“一种新颖分支线集成馈电巴伦的宽带印刷偶极子天线”,国家专利。申请号:201310459668.8,申请日期:2013-9-29。授权日期:2017.1.11,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0459668.8.
2.葛悦禾,王灿,“一种宽频带高增益Fabry-Perot谐振天线”,国家专利。申请号:201310418214.6,申请日期:2013-10-11。授权日期:2017.2.22,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0473590.5
1.Xuxiang Chen, and Yuehe Ge, “Polarization-Reconfigurable Flat Transmitarray based on Square Frame and Crossed Dipole Elements”, IEEE Access, Oct. 2017.
2.Yujie Liu, and Yuehe Ge, “Polarization-Reconfigurable Flat Transmitarray based on Square Frame and Crossed Dipole Elements”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E100-B, No.10, pp.-, Oct. 2017.
3.Yinyan Chen, Yuehe Ge and Trevor S. Bird, “An Offset Reflectarray Antenna for Multi-polarization Applications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15, pp. 1353-1356, 2016.
4.Yuehe Ge, Zhu Sun, Zhizhang Chen, and Yinyan Chen, “A High-Gain Wideband Low-Profile Fabry-Perot Resonator Antenna with a Conical Short Horn”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1889-1892, Dec. 2016.
5.Basit A. Zeb, Yuehe Ge, Karu P. Esselle, Zhu Sun, and Michael E. Tobar, “A Simple Dual-Band Electromagnetic Band Gap Resonator Antenna based on Inverted Reflection Phase Gradient”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (USA), vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 4522 – 4529, Oct. 2012.
6.Yuehe Ge, Karu P. Esselle, and Trevor S. Bird, “The Use of Simple Thin Partially Reflective Surfaces With Positive Reflection Phase Gradients to Design Wideband, Low-Profile EBG Resonator Antennas”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (USA), vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 743 – 750, Feb. 2012.
7.Yuehe Ge, Karu P. Esselle, and Trevor S. Bird, “Compact Dielectric Resonator Antennas with Ultra-Wide 60%-110% Bandwidths”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (USA) vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 3445 - 3448, Sept. 2011.
8.Yuehe Ge, Karu P. Esselle, and Yang Hao, “Design of Low-Profile High-Gain EBG Resonator Antennas using a Genetic Algorithm”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (USA), no. 6, pp. 480 – 483, 2007.
9.Yuehe Ge, Karu P. Esselle, and Trevor S. Bird, “A Compact E-Shaped Patch Antenna with Corrugated Wings”, IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 2411 - 2413, Aug. 2006.
10.Yuehe Ge, Karu P. Esselle, and Trevor S. Bird, “E-Shaped Patch Antennas for High-Speed Wireless Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 52, no. 12, pp. 3213 – 3219, Dec. 2004 .
1.Yuehe Ge, Lvwei Chen, and Xuxiang Chen, “Polarization Manipulation and Applications of Crossed-Dipole Metasurfaces”, The 2017 Electromagnetic Materials and Technlogies for the Future (EM-MTF2017) Forum, Queenstown, New Zealand, 7-9 Nov. 2017. (国际会议特邀报告)
2.Lvwei Chen, Yuehe Ge, Xin Liu, and Chengxiu Lin, Design of a Folded Fresnel Reflector (FFR) with Jerusalem-Cross-Shape Element, The 2017 IEEE 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP2017), Xi’An, China, Oct. 16 - 19, 2017.
3.陈徐湘,葛悦禾,“加载超表面透镜的低副瓣角锥喇叭天线”, 2017年全国天线会议,西安,2017年10月16日-20日。
4.秦开元,葛悦禾,“一种KU波段高增益圆极化天线”, 2017年全国天线会议,西安,2017年10月16日-20日。
5.Yuehe Ge, Lvwei Chen, and Xuxiang Chen, “Manipulating the Differently-Polarized Radiation Waves by a Thin Metasurface Lense”, 2017 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2017) & IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (IEEE APWC 2017), Verona, Italy, Sept. 11 - 15, 2017.
6.Xuxiang Chen and Yuehe Ge, “Improving the Radiation Performance of Pyramidal Horn Antennas using a Metasurface Lens”, 2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium (ACES2017-China), Suzhou, China, August 1-4, 2017.
7.Zhen-Guo Liu, Yuehe Ge, and Wei-Bing Lu, “Wideband High-Gain Fabry-Perot Resonator Antenna with Small Footprint Dielectic Superstrates and a Conical Short Horn”, 2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium (ACES2017-China), Suzhou, China, August 1-4, 2017.
8.Xuxiang Chen, Yuehe Ge, and Trevor S. Bird, “Design of a novel circularly polarized lens antenna with a linearly polarized feeder”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) International Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, July 9-14, 2017.
9.陈律威,葛悦禾,“一种新型宽带超薄平面透射阵天线的设计”, 2017年全国微波毫米波会议,杭州,2017年5月8日-10日。
10.吕善册,葛悦禾,“基于非对称枝节加载谐振器的双/三通带带通滤波器的研究与设计”, 2017年全国微波毫米波会议,杭州,2017年5月8日-10日。
11.Yuehe Ge, “Enhancing the Radiation Pattern of Horn Antennas by Loading a Thin Metasurface Lens”, The inagural Electromagnetic Materials and Technlogies for the Future (EM-MTF2016) Forum, Rotorua, New Zealand, 14-16 Sept. 2016.(国际会议特邀报告)
12.Yuehe Ge, “Performance Enhancement of Fabry-Perot Resonator Antennas”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Shanghai, P. R. China, 8-11 August 2016.
13.Yuehe Ge, Yinyan Chen, Yujie Liu, and Lvwei Chen, Design of Flat Relectarray and Transmitarray Antennas using the Fresnel Zone Principle, The 2016 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP2016), Kaoshiung, Taiwan,, July 26 - 29, 2016. (EI)(国际会议特邀报告)
14.Yuehe Ge, and Zhizhang Chen, Gain Enhancement of Wideband Fabry-Perot Resonator Antennas using a Short Horn, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) International Symposium, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, June 26 - July 1, 2016.
15.Shance Lv, Yuehe Ge, and Lvwei Chen, “Design of A Compact Dual-Band Filter with Controllable Frequency for WLAN Application”, 2016 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Technology (ICMMT2016), Beijing, China, June 5-8, 2016.
16.Lvwei Chen, Yuehe Ge, “A K-Band Flat Lens Antenna with a Slot-Fed Antenna Feeder”, 2016 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Technology (ICMMT2016), Beijing, China, June 5-8, 2016.
17.Yinyan Chen and Yuehe Ge, “Wideband Printed Fresnel Reflectarray Antennas using Dual-Printed-Dipole Elements”, 2015 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2015), Nanjing, China, Dec. 6 - 6, 2015.
18.Yinyan Chen, Yuehe Ge, and Trevor S. Bird, “A Novel Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Dual Notched Bands”, 2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2015), Hobart, Australia, Nov. 9 - 12, 2015.
19.陈银言,葛悦禾,“一种新型宽带线-圆极化变换反射阵列天线的设计”, 2015年全国天线会议,南昌,2015年10月18日-21日。
20.张维国,葛悦禾,“基于GPS系统的宽带圆极化贴片天线的设计”, 2015年全国天线会议,南昌,2015年10月18日-21日。
21.陈银言,葛悦禾,“小型化超宽带双陷波介质谐振器天线”, 2015年全国天线会议,南昌,2015年10月18日-21日。(特邀报告)
22.Yinyan Chen, Yuehe Ge, and Yujie Liu, Design of a novel circularly polarized reflectarray with a linearly polarized feeder, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) International Symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 19-25, 2015.
23.Yujie Liu, Yuehe Ge, and Yinyan Chen, Design of a novel circularly polarized lens antenna with a linearly polarized feeder, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) International Symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 19-25, 2015.
24.Yujie Liu, Yuehe Ge, and Wei Tang, Design of high efficiency broadband Fresnel Zone lens antenna at K band, The 2015 IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP2015), Bali Island, Indonesia, June 30 - July 3, 2015.
25.陈银言,葛悦禾,“一种小型宽带双极化脊线喇叭的设计”, 2015年全国微波毫米波会议,合肥,2015年5月30日-6月2日。
26.曾小虎,葛悦禾,“宽带双矩形缝隙环微带反射阵天线”, 2015年全国微波毫米波会议,合肥,2015年5月30日-6月2日。
27.刘禹杰,葛悦禾,汤伟,“线极化宽带高增益薄平面透镜天线的设计”, 2015年全国微波毫米波会议,合肥,2015年5月30日-6月2日。
28.张海,邵阳洲,葛悦禾,“新型极化可重构圆极化天线的设计与仿真”, 2015年全国微波毫米波会议,合肥,2015年5月30日-6月2日。
29.张维国,张海,葛悦禾,“基于接地伪交指谐振器的宽带双通带滤波器的设计”, 2015年全国微波毫米波会议,合肥,2015年5月30日-6月2日。
30.Yinyyan Chen, Yuehe Ge, A Broadband Dual-Polarization Planar Printed Dipole fed by Vertical Printed Balun, The third IEEE International Wireless Symposium (IWS 2015), Shenzhen, China, March 30 – April 1, 2015.
31.Yuehe Ge, Yinyan Chen, and Yujie Liu, A reflectarray with single, dual and circular polarizations, Fourteenth Australian Symposium on Antennas, Sydney, Australia, Feb. 18-19, 2015.
32.Xiaohu Zeng and Yuehe Ge, “Design of Broadband Polarization-Sensitive Reflectarray using a Single-Layer Substrate and Double Printed Dipole Arrays”, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2014), Sendai, Japan, Nov. 4 - 7, 2014.
33.Yujie Liu, Wei Tang and Yuehe Ge, “A Wideband Metamaterial Absorber based on Multilayer Rings and Lumped Resistors”, Proceeding of the 34th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Guanzhou, P. R. China, 25-28 August 2014.
34.Yuehe Ge, Can Wang, and Xiaohu Zeng “Design of a Compact Wideband High-Gain MMW Antenna based on Fabry-Perot Antenna Concept”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) International Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, July 6-11, 2014.
35.Can Wang and Yuehe Ge, "Broadband Printed Dipole Antenna with T-Shape Loadings", 2014 International Workshop on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas, Novel EM Structures and Materials, and Applications, Sydney, Australia, March 4 - 6, 2014.