职 位: 教授,华侨大学信息科学与工程学院
地 址: 中国福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号(361021)
学会会员: IEEE 高级会员, 美国光学学会会员
E-mail: wbqiu@hqu.edu.cn, wbqiu@163.com, wqiu.uiuc@gmail.com
QQ: 32922692, 微信: wbkhoo_2101
教 育 背 景:
2000.9 -2003.9: 中国科学院半导体研究所,固体电子学与微电子学,工学博士,
导师:王圩, 中国科学院院士
1994.9-1997.7: 厦门大学物理系,半导体物理与半导体器件物理,理学硕士,
导师:刘瑞堂教授, 副校长
1989.9 - 1993.7: 福建师范大学物理系, 理学士
学术兼职: 福建农林大学校外兼职博导,厦门市先进半导体镀膜技术研发与应用重点实验室 学术委员会委员
职 业 经 历:
2011.03-至今 教授,副教授, 华侨大学信息科学与工程学院
2007.10-2010.10 Research Scientist, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
2005.10-2007.10 Senior Research Associate, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Northwestern University, USA; Dept. of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA; Dept. of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Rutgers University, USA
2003.10-2005.10 Program Researcher, Dept. of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Japan; Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) Program, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
研 究 兴 趣:
半导体材料与集成光电子器件(InP 基EML, DFB, SOA, EAM, GaAs基VCSEL等)、电子器件(高速HBT、HEMT等)的设计、生长(MOCVD、MBE)、制作和测试;纳米激光器,拓扑激光器,深纳米尺度的半导体工艺研究。
授 权 专 利:
1. Weibin Qiu, and Lynford Goddard, Method of Plasma Etching Ga-based Compound Semiconductors, 美国专利,专利号: US 8338308 B2, 授权日期: Dec 25, 2012.
2. Weibin Qiu, and Lynford Goddard. Method of Plasma Etching Ga-based Compound Semiconductors, 美国专利,专利号: US8343878 B2, 授权日期: Jan.1 2013
研究项目 (项目负责人)
1, 石墨烯等离激元分子可调谐电磁性质的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 11774103, 2018.01-2021.12,61万
2, 基于石墨烯单层的光相控阵列芯片的设计,泉州市科技项目-中外合作项目, 2018C003, 2018.4- 2021.4, 20万.
3, 基于二维半导体材料的拓扑等离激元学的研究,福建省半导体材料与应用重点实验室(厦门大学)开放课题, 2018A001, 2018.12-2021.12, 5万
4, 刑侦用紫外荧光成像系统的研制,泉州市科技计划项目, Z1424009, 2013.1-2015.12, 5万。
1、Weibin Qiu*, Graphene-Based Ultra-Broadband Slow-Light System and Plamonic Whispering-Gallery-Mode Nanoresonators, Progress of Plasmonics 2015, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, ISBN:978-3-319-24604-8, Chapter 7, pp169-190
Journal of Material Chemistry C, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, Optics Express, Optics Letters, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Optical Material Express, IEEE Photonics Journal, IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, Plasmonics, Applied Optics, Optics Communications, Journal of Optical Society of America, Chinese Optics Letters, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Infrared Physics & Technology, Results in Physics, RSC Advanced
2012届本科 刘先河, 西安电子科大特聘教授(海外优青)
2011级硕士生, 马钰慧,天马微电子公司
2012级硕士生,赵静, 西安交通大学博士生,厦门工学院讲师
2018级硕士生, 周亨杰,北京工业大学博士生;赵泽阳,国核电站运行服务技术有限公司
期刊论文, (第一作者或通信作者):
(1) Zhi Li, Zhen He, Liqiang Zhuo, Shaojian Su, Zhili Lin, Weibin Qiu*, Beiju Huang and Qiang Kan, Investigation of three topological edge states in honeycomb lattices based on graphene plasmonic crystal, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55 (2022) 275102
(2) HuanxiMa , Guangwu Pan, Guoliang Yuan, Yuting Xie, Zhi Li, Zhili Lin, Shaojian Su, Weibin Qiu* , Beiju Huang and Qiang Kan, A broadband vortex beam generator using graphene metasurface reflectarray in terahertz region, Physica Scripta, 97 (2022) 125506
(3) Zhen He, Huanxi Ma, Ruimin Huang, Fengjiang Zhuang, Shaojian Su, Zhili Lin, Weibin Qiu*, Beiju Huang, and Qiang Kan, Fast light propagating waveguide composed of heterogeneous metamaterials, Optik, 262 (2022) 169326
(4) Liqiang Zhuo, Huiru He, Ruimin Huang*, Shaojian Su, Zhili Lin, Weibin Qiu,* , Beiju Huang and Qiang Kan, Group Velocity Modulation and Light Field Focusing of the Edge States in Chirped Valley Graphene Plasmonic Metamaterials, Nanomaterials 2021,11,1808
(5) Huanxi Ma, Guangwu Pan, Hengjie Zhou, Zhen He, Liqiang Zhuo, Zhi Li, Fengjiang Zhuang, Shaojian Su, Zhili Lin, and Weibin Qiu*, Axial tunable plasmonic talbot effect based on monolayer graphene, Physica Scripta, Vol. 96, No.11,115502, 2021
(6) Huanxi Ma, Shaojian Su, Hengjie Zhou, Zeyang Zhao, Zhili Lin and Weibin Qiu*, Tunable Plasmonic Talbot Effect Based on Graphene Monolayer, Applies Sciences, 2020, 10, 4782
(7) Hengjie Zhou, Shaojian Su, Huanxi Ma, Zeyang Zhao, Zhili Lin, Weibin Qiu*, Pingping Qiu, Beiju Huang, and Qiang Kan, Chiral graphene plasmonic Archimedes’ spiral nanostructure with tunable circular dichroism and enhanced sensing performance, Optics Express, Vol. 28, No.21, pp31954, 2020
(8) Liqiang Zhuo, Shaojian Su, Zeyang Zhao, Hengjie Zhou, Zhen He, Huanxi Ma, Zhili Lin, and Weibin Qiu*, Negative Group Velocity Plasmons Propagating in Waveguides Composed of Graphene Metamaterials, IEEE Access, Vol. 8, 142250, 2020.
(9) Zeyang Zhao, Shaojian Su, Hengjie Zhou, Weibin Qiu*, Pingping Qiu and Qiang Kan, “Fast” Plasmons Propagating in Graphene Plasmonic Waveguides with Negative Index Metamaterial Claddings, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 1637
(10) Hengjie Zhou, Shaojian Su, Weibin Qiu*, Zeyang Zhao, Zhili Lin, Pingping Qiu and Qiang Kan,
Multiple Fano Resonances with Tunable Electromagnetic Properties in Graphene Plasmonic Metamolecules, Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 236; doi:10.3390/nano10020236
(11) Hengjie Zhou, Guangwu Pan, Weibin Qiu*, Zeyu Wang, Junbo Ren, Zeyang Zhao, Pingping Qiu, and Qiang Kan, Effect of individual nanodisk on the Fano resonance in graphene heptamer, Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(20), 4345
(12) Zeyang Zhao, Guangwu Pan, Weibin Qiu*, Zeyu Wang, Junbo Ren, Hengjie Zhou, Pingping Qiu, and Qiang Kan, Investigation of fast light in three-layer waveguides composed of negative refraction claddings and an air core, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52:495105,
(13) Zeyu Wang, Guangwu Pan, Weibin Qiu*, Pingping Qiu, Junbo Ren, Zhili Lin, and Qiang Kan, Refractive index from negative to positive with frequencies at the Dirac‑like cone in a photonic crystal, Optical Quantum Electronics, 52(209), June, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11082-019-1925-6,
(14) Zeyu Wang, Weibin Qiu⁎, Junbo Ren, Zhili Lin, Pingping Qiu, and Qiang Kan, A refractive index from negative to positive of graphene plasmonic crystal at the Dirac-like cone in mid-infrared region, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 37(2019) 100745, 2019
(15) Jia-Xian Wang, Jing Zhao, Houbo Chen, Weibin Qiu⁎, Zhili Lin, Junbo Ren, Zeyu Wang, The role of the symmetry on the electromagnetic properties of the graphene plasmonic trimer, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 181 (2019) 301–307,
(16) Pingping Qiu, Weibin Qiu*, Junbo Ren, Zhili Lin, Zeyu Wang, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan and Jiao-Qing Pan, Plasmonic valley chiral states in graphene based plasmonic crystals, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52:015012,
(17) Junbo Ren, Weibin Qiu*, Guangqing Wang, Houbo Chen, Pingping Qiu, Qiang kan, and Jiao-Qing Pan, Flexible Control on Electromagnetic Behaviors of Graphene Oligomer by Tuning Chemical Potential, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2018, 13:349
(18) Pingping Qiu, Weibin Qiu* , Junbo Ren, Zhili Lin, Zeyu Wang, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan and Jiao-Qing Pan, Pseudospin Dependent One-Way Transmission in Graphene-Based Topological Plasmonic Crystals, Nanoscale Research Letters (2018) 13:113
(19) Junbo Ren, Guangqing Wang, Weibin Qiu,* Pingping Qiu, Zeyu Wang, Zhili Lin, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan and Jiao-Qing Pan, Dynamic tailoring of electromagnetic behaviors of graphene plasmonic oligomers by local chemical potential, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 16695
(20) Weibin Qiu,* Houbo Chen, Junbo Ren , Pingping Qiu, Zhili Lin, Jiaxian Wang, Qiang Kan and Jiaoqing Pan, Symmetry-Breaking Effect on the Electromagnetic Properties of Plasmonic Trimers Composed of Graphene Nanodisks, Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(3), 374
(21) Weibin Qiu*, Pingping Qiu, Rui Liang, Houbo Chen, Junbo Ren, Zhili Lin, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan, and Jiao-Qing Pan, Realization of conical dipersion and zero-refractive-index in graphene plasmonic crystal, Optics Express, Vol. 25, No. 26, 25 Dec 2017, 33350,
(22) Pingping Qiu, Rui Liang, Weibin Qiu*, Houbo Chen, Junbo Ren, Zhili Lin, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan, and Jiao-Qing Pan, Topologically protected edge states in graphene plasmonic crystals, Optics Express, Vol. 25 Issue 19, pp.22587 (2017)
(23) Pingping Qiu, Weibin Qiu*, Houbo Chen, Junbo Ren, Zhili Lin, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan, and Jiao-Qing Pan, Investigation of beam splitter in a zero-refractive-index photonic crystal at the frequency of Dirac-like point, SCIETIFIC REPORTS 7(1): 958, 2017
(24) Junbo Ren, Guangqing Wang, Weibin Qiu*, Zhili Lin, Houbo Chen , Pingping Qiu, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan, and Jiao-Qing Pan, Optimization of the Fano Resonance Lineshape Based on Graphene Plasmonic Hexamer in Mid-Infrared Frequencies, Nanomaterials 2017, 7, 238;
(25) PingPing Qiu, Weibin Qiu*, Zhili Lin, Houbo Chen, Junbo Ren, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan, and Jiao-Qing Pan, Double Dirac point in a photonic graphene, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50(33), 335101
(26) Houbo Chen, Weibin Qiu*, Pingping Qiu, Junbo Ren, Zhili Lin, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan and Jiao-Qing Pan, Mode Coupling Properties of the Plasmonic Dimers Composed of Graphene Nanodisks, Applied Science, 2017, 7(4), 359;
(27) Pingping Qiu, Weibin Qiu*, Zhili Lin, Houbo Chen, Junbo Ren, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan, and Jiao-Qing Pan, Dynamically Tunable Plasmon-Induced Transparency in On-chip Graphene-Based Asymmetrical Nanocavity-Coupled Waveguide System, Nanoscale Research Letters (2017) 12:374
(28) Jia-Xian Wang, Jing Zhao, Weibin Qiu*, Zhili Lin, Yixin Huang, Houbo Chen, and Pingping Qiu, Novel optical filters based on curved grating structure, Optics Communications 387 (2017) 61–64
(29) Junbo Ren, Weibin Qiu,* Houbo Chen, Pingping Qiu, Zhili Lin, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan and Jiao-Qing Pan, Electromagnetic field coupling characteristics in graphene plasmonic oligomers: from isolated to collective modes, Chemical Physics Physical Chemistry, 2017,19, 14671-14679,
(30) Qiu Pingping, Qiu Weibin *, Lin Zhili, Chen Houbo, Wang Jia-Xian, Kan Qiang ,Pan Jiao-Qing, Ultra-compact tunable graphene-based plamsonic multimode interference power splitter in mid infrared frequencies, Science China, Information Science. August 2017, 60:082402,
(31) Pingping Qiu, Weibin Qiu*, Zhili Lin, Houbo Chen, Yixin Tang, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan and Jiao-Qing Pan, Investigation of the Band Structure of Graphene-Based Plasmonic Photonic Crystals, Nanomaterials, 2016, 6(9), 166;
(32) Xiao Yang, Weibin Qiu*, Shangxin Lin, Jing Zhao, Yixin Huang, Houbo Chen, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan, and Jiao-Qing Pan Plasmonic mode analysis of deep subwavelength graphene nanoribbon waveguides, Journal of Nanophotonics. 10 (1), 016003 (2016);
(33) Yixin Huang, Weibin Qiu*, Jing Zhao, Houbo Chen, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan, and Jiao-Qing Pan, Investigation of Plasmonic Whispering Gallery Mode for Graphene Equilateral Triangle Nanocavity, Science China, Information Science, April 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s11432-016-5529-5,
(34) Yixin Huang, Weibin Qiu*, Jing Zhao, Houbo Chen, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan, and Jiaoqing Pan, Analysis of mode characteristics and output efficiency of graphene equilateral triangle nanocavity with vertex output waveguide, Optical Quantum Electronics, 48(1), 1-10, 2016
(35) Yixin Huang , Jing Zhao , Weibin Qiu*, Shangxin Lin, Houbo Chen , Jia-XianWang, Qiang Kan, Jiao-Qing Pan, Investigation of the tunable plasmonic whispering gallery mode properties for graphene monolayer nanodisk cavities, Optik 127 (2016) 5591–5596
(36) Weibin Qiu*, Yixin Huang, Houbo Chen, Pingping Qiu, Yixin Tang, Jia-Xian Wang, Qiang Kan, Jiao-Qing Pan, Coupling of Whispering-Gallery Modes in the Graphene Nanodisk Plasmonic Dimers, Plasmonics, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s11468-016-0226-1
(37) Weibin Qiu*, Xianhe Liu, Jing Zhao, Yixin Huang, Houbo Chen, Bin Li, Jia-Xian Wang , Qiang Kan, and Jiao-Qing Pan, “Ultrabroad Band Rainbow Capture and Releasing in Graded Chemical Potential Distributed Graphene Monolayer”, Plasmonics, October 2015, Volume 10, Issue 5, pp 1023-1028
(38) Jing Zhao, Weibin Qiu*, Yixin Huang, Jia-xian Wang, Qiang Kan, and Jiaoqing Pan, Investigation of plasmonic whispering-gallery mode characteristics for graphene monolayer coated dielectric nanodisks, Optics Letters. 39, 5527-5530 (2014)
(39) Jing Zhao, Xianhe Liu, Weibin Qiu *, Shuhong He, Yuhui Ma, Yixin Huang, Jia-Xian Wang, Kan Qiang, and Jiao-Qing Pan, “Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Whispering-Gallery Mode Analysis of the Graphene Monolayer Coated InGaAs Nanowire Cavity”, Optics Express, Vol. 22 Issue 5, pp.5754-5761 (2014)
(40) Weibin Qiu*, Xianhe Liu, Jing Zhao, Shuhong He, Yuhui Ma, Jia-Xian Wang and Jiaoqing Pan, “Nanofocusing of mid-infrared electromagnetic waves on graphene monolayer”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.104, No.4, pp041109, 2014
(41) Weibin Qiu*, Yuhui Ma, Jing Zhao, Jia-xian Wang, Mengke Li, Shiyan Li, and Jiaoqing Pan, An ultrabroad band omni-directional anti-reflective coating with quasi-gradient refractive index distribution based on Si–SiOxNy–SiO2 materials system, Japanese Journal Applied Physics, Vol. 53, No.2, pp021501, 2014,
(42) Xiaomin Lv, Weibin Qiu*, and Jia-Xian Wang, A Chirped Subwavelength Grating with Both Reflection and Transmission Focusing, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.5, No.2, pp2200907, 2013
(43) Weibin Qiu* and Jiaxian Wang, Low-loss amorphous Si waveguides with gradient refractive index cladding structure, Chinese Optics Letters, 10(4), 041601(2012)
(44) Weibin Qiu*, and Jia-Xian Wang, Demonstration of Narrow Passband Optical Filter for DWDM System with a Modified Rowland Grating Structure IEE Electronics Letters, Vol.47, No.21, 2011: pp1190-1191
(45) Weibin Qiu, Young Mo Kang and Lynford Goddard*, Quasicontinuous refractive index tailoring of SiNx and SiOxNy for broadband antireflective coatings, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 141116 (2010)
(1) Junbo Ren, and Weibin Qiu*, Generating and Tuning the Fano Resonance by Graphene Oligomers with Different Nanostructures, Oral Presentation, Optics Frontier—The 10th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2018), 8-11 July, 2018 Beijing, China