E-mail:he_yucheng (at) 163.com
(1) 福建省自然科学基金项目:无线协作通信中信道编码调制技术的研究
(2) 国家重点实验室专项项目:深空信道中基于非相干检测的编码协作研究
(3) 厦门市移动多媒体通信重点实验室平台建设项目
(4) 华侨大学高层次引进项目:无线通信中编码协作技术的研究
(5) 国家自然科学基金:LDPC编码的高能效、高谱效编码调制技术研究(主要成员)
(6) 福建省自然科学基金:协同中继通信网络物理层安全技术研究(主要成员)
(7) 福建省自然科学基金:基于多元LDPC码的新型编码调制技术(主要成员)
(1) 加拿大国家战略基金:低复杂度实用编码和译码技术的研究和实现
(2) 加拿大国家战略基金:前向译码技术的研究和硬件实现
(3) 国家自然科学基金:正交卷积码及其低复杂度前向迭代译码技术的研究
(4) 国家自然科学基金:基于图模型的低密度校验编码理论研究
(5) 国家自然科学基金:迭代软译码中几个关键理论问题的研究
(6) 陕西省自然科学基金:大容量数据传输中低复杂度纠删码的研究
(7) 华为科技基金项目:移动通信中高性能低密度校验纠错码的研究
[1] China Communications, 2016: Iterative noncoherent block detection of coded MPSK for cooperative relay systems.
[2] China Communications, 2014, 11(4): 163–171. Generalized maximum likelihood noncoherent block detection for decode-and-forward relay systems.
[3] IEEE Communications Letters, 2012, 16(11): 1832–1835. A cyclic correlation- based blind SINR estimation for OFDM systems.
[4] IEEE Communications Letters, 2009, 13(9): 685–687. Error performances of multi shift-register convolutional self-doubly-orthogonal codes.
[5] IET Communications, 2008, 2(3): 440–448. Tradeoff of complexity and latency of iterative decoding for orthogonal convolutional codes.
[6] IEEE Communications Letters, 2008, 12(5). 392-394: Generalized combining method for design of quasi-cyclic LDPC codes.
[7] Electronics Letters, 2008, 44(12): 753–755. Modified on-demand belief propagation algorithm for decoding of low-density parity-check convolutional codes.
[8] IEEE Communications Letters, 2006, 10(9): 664–666. Parallel processing for fast iterative decoding of orthogonal convolutional codes.
[9] IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2005, 51(9): 3247-3261. An analysis of the orthogonality structures of convolutional codes for iterative decoding.
[10] Electronics Letters, 2002, 38(4): 189–190. Fast decoding of LDPC codes using quantization.
[11] Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2002, 11(3): 412–416. Hybrid-ARQ scheme using serially concatenated codes.
[12] Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2002, 11(3): 372–376. Design method of sequences of degree distribution for low- density erasure codes.
[13] 电子与信息学报, 2016. Nakagami信道下MIMO解码转发中继系统的安全性能分析. (录用)
[14] 电子学报, 2015, 43(11): 2247-2254. 基于有限反馈的非可信中继系统的物理层安全性能分析.
[15] 计算机应用, 2015, 35(5): 1218-1223. 新型信道自适应编码协作体制.
[16] 电子测量与仪器学报, 2015, 29(3): 454-459. 血压脉搏震荡波的三重软件滤波提取算法.
[17] 信号处理, 2015, 31(7): 815-822. 多元速率兼容LDPC码的自适应编码调制系统研究.
[18] 计算机学报, 2003, 26(8): 934- 939. 基于置信传播算法的低密度校验码量化译码设计.
[19] 电子学报, 2002, 30(4): 577–580. 置信传播译码算法的性能测度.
[20] 电子学报, 2002, 30(4): 530-532. 低密度纠删码稳定收敛条件的证明.
[21] 电子学报, 2002, 30(1): 118–121. 一种短延时Turbo编码调制系统的设计.
[22] 计算机学报, 2002, 25(10): 1077-1082. 低密度校验码在瑞利信道中的性能分析.
[23] 通信学报, 2002, 23(1): 1–7. LDPC码的不可检测译码错误分析.
[24] 通信学报, 2001, 22(9): 99–103. 纠错码性能仿真中的误码率估计.
[1] IEEE ICC 2016 (International Conference on Communications): Secrecy Performance of Transmit Antenna Selection with Outdated CSI for MIMO Relay Systems. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (accepted) (马来西亚)
[2] IEEE VTC2009-Spring (Vehicular Technology Conference): Comparison of low complexity fast iterative decoding techniques for convolutional self-doubly-orthogonal codes. Barcelona, Spain. (西班牙)
[3] IEEE ICC 2008 (International Conference on Communications): A class of low-density parity-check convolutional codes based on difference families. Beijing, China. (北京)
[4] IEEE PIMRC 2008 (International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications): Comparison of decoding complexities for LDPC and convolutional self-doubly-orthogonal codes. Cannes, France. (法国)
[5] IEEE VTC2008-Spring (Vehicular Technology Conference): A new approach for the construction of powerful LDPC convolutional codes. Singapore. (新加坡)
[6] IEEE ISIT 2008 (International Symposium on Information Theory): A Feedback Belief Propagation Algorithm for LDPC Convolutional Codes. Toronto, Canada. (加拿大)
[7] IEEE VTC2007-Spring (Vehicular Technology Conference): Performance comparison of iterative BP and threshold decoding for convolutional self-doubly-orthogonal codes. Dublin, Ireland. (爱尔兰)
[8] IEEE PacRim 2007 (Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing): A graph approach to the structural analysis of simplified orthogonal convolutional codes. Victoria, Canada. (加拿大)
[9] IEEE ICC 2006 (International Conference on Communications): Procedures for efficient iterative decoding of orthogonal convolutional codes. Istanbul, Turkey. (土耳其)
[10] IEEE VTC2006-Spring (Vehicular Technology Conference): A parallel processing approach for fast iterative decoding of orthogonal convolutional codes. Melbourne, Australia. (澳大利亚)
[11] IEEE VTC2006-Spring (Vehicular Technology Conference): Reduced-complexity convolutional self-doubly orthogonal codes for efficient iterative decoding. Melbourne, Australia. (澳大利亚)
[12] IEEE VTC2005-Spring (Vehicular Technology Conference): Parallel iterative decoding for orthogonal convolutional codes. Stockholm, Sweden. (瑞典)
[13] IEEE VTC2004-Fall (Vehicular Technology Conference): A serial design of iterative belief propagation decoders for convolutional codes. Los Angeles, CA. (美国)
[14] IEEE ISIT 2004 (International Symposium on Information Theory): Forward-only iterative decoding of convolutional self-orthogonal codes. Chicago, IL. (美国)
[15] IEEE ISIT 2003 (International Symposium on Information Theory): Threshold-based design of quantized decoder for LDPC Codes. Yokohama, Japan. (日本)